sunnudagur, 14. janúar 2007


Sólveig Lilja was sick last weekend, had fever. Since then she has been coughing. She has the Trematons. We took Kristín Lára to her 18 months checkup on Thursday 10 days ago. We took a perfectly healthy little girl there and on Friday she started getting fever and she's been sick all weekend. She has the Trelurgies. Hahaha! Bob isn't feeling too well either. Wonder what it is that he has, Tre-something I'm sure. I myself, am Tre-less.

I've just taken down the light arch around the front door. Need to take the lights in the living room and the kitchen and put all the Christmas stuff in storage and then that's done for this time. No, not really though, my yuletide lads are still up, and by the way, I haven't paid the last one, must do that.

It's cold and bright, no sun yet and we probably won't have any today. Had some sunshine yesterday but only for a few minutes. Days are getting longer though and that is very nice.

I've got two lectures to get through, it's been a bit difficult to get started again. Looks interesting though - and no, I'm not talking about the math course, I haven't got a lecture in that yet.

1 ummæli:

Pells sagði...

Bob here, and for the record I think I have a touch of the husavics, which translates as cold.