miðvikudagur, 17. janúar 2007

Major milestone, brainwashing and more

As a mother I find all new things that my children do major achievements. Or most of them. The first word they say, the first tooth they get, the first time they roll over, the first step.... all these things. And now it's the first pee in the toilet. Kristín Lára has been going to the toilet for a while "for a pee". Of course she hasn't done anything but sit there and then pulls off a sheet of toilet paper and stuffs it down between her legs in pretending to dry herself. At first she was a bit nervous sitting there but that was only for the first two or three times, since then she's loved this pretend "going for a pee". The last couple of days she's sometimes said no to the question of going for a pee and the same thing happened last night. She'd been in bed for a while, singing away some of the time but also crying some of the time. So to make sure she hadn't poohed herself or something like that, I went in to check on her. She of course wanted to be picked up and soft as I am, did so. But she didn't want to go for a pee but her diaper was wet so I decided to change it and put her on the toilet anyways. And I heard it. Not a few drops but a proper pee! And I praised her until she got all shy, not understanding why her mother went on like that about something as natural as having a pee. So what that it happened to land in the toilet, that was just a coincidence. I dried her and put a new diaper on and took her down to tell "pabbi" about his milestone in his daughters life. "So?", said the expression on his face. He was having his evening feed and I think he was afraid that we would disturb him in that. As we did. Kristín Lára quite liked his fish and his bread and his cheese and his biscuits. And she quite liked sitting on the sofa with him, watching the airplanes. So that was the milestone in Kristín Lára's life yesterday. One year, six months, two weeks and two days old she peed in the toilet for the first time.

Went to a fat fighter's meeting yesterday. Normally I go before I have lunch but since I wanted to sit a meeting as well, I went in the afternoon. Mrs Scale was nasty. 800 grams up :( Not fair, I thought I'd been doing well. Valdís (my math tutor and fellow fat fighter) had decided that she too needed to sit a few meetings so we had decided to meet there and try to support each other in the fight. It is so true what she said. This is brainwashing. I've know that all along. I allowed myself to be brainwashed and that's why I did so well. I just did pretty much exactly what I was told. Then during the summer I started to slip, thinking that since it was summer it was OK to allow myself a bit more and seeing that doing that, I didn't put on any weight but stayed pretty much the same, I continued on that path. And of course, I haven't really lost any weight since then. But now I am going to go to meetings again and get brainwashed again. I'm not going to almost follow the diet, I'm going to follow it as I did when I first started. I'm going to have fish 3-5 times a week. I'm going to have 4 eggs a week. I'm not going to have meet more than 3 times a week. I'm going to drink 2 liters of water a day. I'm not going to eat more than 4 fruits a day. I'm going to write down what I eat and drink each day. And now, even if Bob is probably the only one reading this, it is still official and only the fact that he has read this, makes me have to do it. Although I'm not doing this for him, I'm doing it for me, he has been my biggest support in this and he has done just as much, if not more work than I have. Because he is the one cooking for me. He is the one chopping carrots almost every day of the week. He's the one looking after me. Thanks sweetheart. And about the water, according to some thing I stepped on last week, my water% is too low so I need to drink more water. How this "thing" works, I have no idea, neither how reliable it is. It calculated my fat% 35,9 (I think) but last year someone pinched me all over, manually with some little thing (which is supposed to be more accurate) and that said just over 31%. So I don't know.

Sólveig Lilja has an appointment to see our GP today. She's still coughing and now Kristín Lára seems to have got a cold. Maybe it wasn't the jab that she got the other day but the cold Sólveig Lilja had (or still has). And their father as well. And now I have a sore throat :( We'll see.

I've started my first math assignment. Done two of seven problems. Wonderful. Right.

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