þriðjudagur, 18. september 2007

Sheepish roundup

I helped at roundup last week. It's a two day process, Wednesday and Thursday, and shedding is on Friday. I didn't go on Wednesday, which was a very bad roundup day. Cold, rain and fog so they didn't get many sheep home at all. Thursday was better, I went there then, but only for a short while. Because of the snow that had come, they didn't go all the way up the valleys so we were back home pretty quickly.

I then took the girls to the shedding on Friday. I think they enjoyed it, they got to play with their cousins and seemed to have fun. My cousin Örn, came from Reykjavík on Tuesday evening and his wife and two kids drove here on Thursday night to take part in the shedding.

I went to the farm on Saturday again to help them weigh the lambs. Left the girls at home, I thought they'd just be in the way. The lambs seem pretty good this year but there's still a lot of them missing, no wonder after this bad roundup. Next roundup will be this weekend and I just hope the weather will be better then.

þriðjudagur, 11. september 2007

Sex bomb

One more fantastic video.

laugardagur, 8. september 2007

Another great video

Thanks to YouTube, here's another fantastic video.

fimmtudagur, 6. september 2007


I went to the gym yesterday and sweat like a pig again! This time I had better control since I got myself new shoes yesterday and they seem to be pretty good. I might go there again today to learn how to use the weights and stuff there, there will be someone there to help us with that. That someone is Magga, who used to work with me actually, so that's cool. I'm hoping to be able to go there before work maybe once a week or something.

It's raining today. Yesterday it was nice and warm but now it's wet again. "Typical English weather" Bob says :)

miðvikudagur, 5. september 2007


I went to the weighing yesterday and I've put on half a kilo again. It seems to be very difficult to get back on track, I loose a few hundred grams and I put them on again. Not good.

On Monday I started going to the gym! I've never done that before but now I saw a six week program that I thought could fit me. It's supposed to strengthen us up and included is free access to the gym at all times, plus weighing and measuring. What we need to do in the beginning and end is to walk 3 km on a tread mill and see the difference and I did that yesterday. I thought I'd have to crawl back!

Because I've never exercised before I had to buy trousers and shoes. Got myself cheap enough trousers on Monday and today I got shoes. I was going to try to use my old ones but yesterday I found out that they are no good so I decided to get new ones. Found good shoes on sale down in the pharmacy and got them. Just hope they are as good as they are supposed to be.

Sólveig Lilja and Bob had their first lesson for the autumn today. Kristín Lára went to Ella and I think she enjoyed it and Bob thought the lesson was good.

mánudagur, 3. september 2007

Little birthday girl

Sólveig Lilja is four years old today. She had her birthday party yesterday and it was pretty good. On Wednesday and Thursday she called people to invite them and thought it was great fun. Of course she mentioned what she wanted to get, that was the main thing she though! Then she also went over to her friend Heiðdís to invite her.

Heiðdís was actually the first one to show up. She is a few months younger than Sólveig Lilja and they were in play school together before Sólveig Lilja moved to the new one and then Heiðdís and her family moved into the house next to ours about a month ago and they've been playing together quite a bit since. Kristín Lára loves playing with her as well and really enjoys going over to her house to play :) Heiðdís came over about an hour early and that was great, they got some time to play before anyone else showed up.

Then Sólveig Lilja's grandparents came, her aunties, cousins and some more relatives. Seventeen people all in all, plus the family. She got a lot of nice presents and I think she had a good time.

Here are more pictures.

In the tumbledrier

The other day when I was doing the laundry, the girls decided to have some fun! Here are more pictures.