þriðjudagur, 19. desember 2006


I can't sleep because of the weather. Storm. I've been awake for about an hour and I decided rather than staying in bed, tossing and turning, listening to the storm blow things around, I'd come out here and surf the internet a bit. I hate this kind of weather, Bob loves it. I keep wondering what is going to be blown away, things of ours or whatever, and I keep thinking, how is it going to be driving to work and then to my fat fighters, am I taking Sólveig Lilja to school (don't think so right now) and things like that. Worry to much I guess. I also wonder how Skyrgámur is doing, he's on his way putting things in little kids' shoes tonight. Wonder if he's been here to see my girls.

I picked up the girls' Christmas present from the post office yesterday. Came there around half four and it was almost 5 o'clock when I came back to the car! Waited there in line for almost half a hour! A lot of people were sending stuff away as it is almost Christmas. The girls are probably going to fight over that thing we got....

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