miðvikudagur, 23. janúar 2008

Home, sweet home

It's good to be home! I had a flight home at 18:30 last night but because of strong winds, all flights yesterday, until early yesterday evening, were canceled. So after work I just went back to Hrefna and Þór's place and sat there, talking to them, when I got a text message saying departure was at 19:15. That was just after six and I grabbed something to eat and then left. The flight wasn't any bumpier than any other and the landing was one of the smoothest landings I've ever experienced! We landed around 8 o'clock and Bob and the girls were there to pick me up. The girls were pretty glad to see me, Sólveig Lilja insisted on holing my hand saying "I want to have you" which coming from her means that she wants me to be with her. They were pretty tired though since they are normally in bed around 8 o'clock, so it didn't take them long to fall asleep.

The poor old lady who drove into me last week has to pay for our car. Or her insurance company rather. Called them earlier on and they asked me where I'd go to have it fixed and I told them that and then he said that they'd pay for a hire car while it's done. I'm going to the garage on Friday so that they can evaluate what needs to be done.

I finished my audio book on the plane last night. Sense and Sensibility. And hopefully we'll have the DVD with the series soon so that I can watch it while it's still fresh in my mind.

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