miðvikudagur, 23. janúar 2008


Bob took this picture of the girls yesterday. Quite nice.

Home, sweet home

It's good to be home! I had a flight home at 18:30 last night but because of strong winds, all flights yesterday, until early yesterday evening, were canceled. So after work I just went back to Hrefna and Þór's place and sat there, talking to them, when I got a text message saying departure was at 19:15. That was just after six and I grabbed something to eat and then left. The flight wasn't any bumpier than any other and the landing was one of the smoothest landings I've ever experienced! We landed around 8 o'clock and Bob and the girls were there to pick me up. The girls were pretty glad to see me, Sólveig Lilja insisted on holing my hand saying "I want to have you" which coming from her means that she wants me to be with her. They were pretty tired though since they are normally in bed around 8 o'clock, so it didn't take them long to fall asleep.

The poor old lady who drove into me last week has to pay for our car. Or her insurance company rather. Called them earlier on and they asked me where I'd go to have it fixed and I told them that and then he said that they'd pay for a hire car while it's done. I'm going to the garage on Friday so that they can evaluate what needs to be done.

I finished my audio book on the plane last night. Sense and Sensibility. And hopefully we'll have the DVD with the series soon so that I can watch it while it's still fresh in my mind.

mánudagur, 21. janúar 2008


We have booked the flight for our England trip. We'll fly there on May 3rd and return on the 11th. We have also booked the hotel for the night before we return, now we only have the car to sort out.

Our next trip is going to be to Italy. Or Orlando.

Car crash

Last Tuesday when I was driving to work, an old woman drove into the side of my car! Bloody pain it was, there's not a big damage on the car but it still is damaged and needs to be fixed. I wasn't very happy about it and neither was Bob.


I'm in Reykjavík right now and will be tomorrow as well. Flew here this morning and will be working from here for these two days. I think it's important to be able to put faces to the names when you are talking to people on the phone and also, I'm now starting on quite a big project and will be working with a woman who lives here so it's useful to sit with her for a bit.

I'll be staying with Þór and Hrefna. They've fostered me before and will probably do so again.

sunnudagur, 13. janúar 2008

Bee Movie

The girls and I just came back from the movies, where we saw It's actually very good and we all enjoyed ourselves.

laugardagur, 12. janúar 2008

The moon - again

Áska just came by. She hasn't been by for a long time so it was very nice to have her over for a while. Sólveig Lilja sang to her and we just sat and talked for a while. She drew my attention to the moon, it's new and when she was here, it was almost exactly at the same spot as it was the other morning when I photographed it. Here are the pictures. Notice that you can see the outline of all the moon, which I think is pretty cool.

Am I turning in to a werewolf?

fimmtudagur, 10. janúar 2008

I passed!

I passed the programming languages test! And even with 70% which is way more than I expected. I am more than pleased.


I've added a guest book to our site. If anyone comes to visit, please sign! The link is in the list on the right.

mánudagur, 7. janúar 2008

Cool day

I've got my new iPod and it's beautiful! It's red of course. I'm synchronizing right now.

School started today. One of my new colleagues will probably be doing the same courses I am which is cool. And I might be able to sell one or two of my study books, which is pretty cool as well.

I had my first proper day at work today. Did my first chargeable hours. Cool.

Cool day.

sunnudagur, 6. janúar 2008

Test finished

I took the test Friday morning and I am hoping that I will pass. We'll see I guess. Now I have the weekend off and I'm enjoying some "normal" reading and just being lazy. I've read one of the books I got for Christmas and have just started the other one. Has made me realize how much I've missed reading normal books.

We've also been taking down Christmas tree and other ornaments. After all, it is the last day of Christmas today. And tomorrow I hope I'll start some proper work!

Took a few pictures of Bob and the girls yesterday, here's a link.

fimmtudagur, 3. janúar 2008

Study, study, study

I've been studying most of the day. Some for work, some for the test tomorrow. I haven't done any real work (programming) but hopefully I can start doing some on Monday. There are a lot of things to learn about this company as well, all their inner systems, how they do everything and how to connect to the different computers and things like that. So far - and it is only my second day - it feels interesting and exciting. Nice people, relaxed and good.

miðvikudagur, 2. janúar 2008

The moon

Bob noticed how pretty the moon was this morning and I went out and took a couple of pictures. They're not great (a bit out of focus) but they're OK so I've uploaded them. Take a look.

New work

I started my new work this morning. The company is called HugurAx. I didn't think I'd stay there all day but I did. It was a bit tiring since I've been off for almost three weeks now and I haven't started a new job in a long time! But the people there are very nice - which I knew from before - and I feel good about this. I'll go back tomorrow but I've got permission to do some studying then (get more peace and quiet there than here at home) since the test is on Friday. I just hope I pass the bloody thing!