mánudagur, 30. júlí 2007
Girls just wanna have fun
Gúmbi and Sigrún got married yesterday. Picked that day because it was my grandmother's birthday. It was just a small ceremony in their living room, the only people there was their brothers and sisters with spouses and the priest and her husband.
Congratulations Gúmbi and Sigrún (if you ever read this).
Congratulations Gúmbi and Sigrún (if you ever read this).
Birthday party
I stole this picture from Gúmbi.
fimmtudagur, 19. júlí 2007
sunnudagur, 15. júlí 2007
The girls' new bedroom
laugardagur, 14. júlí 2007
Karl is gone
I took this picture this morning before he left.
My friend Katrín, came last night and is staying for the weekend.
miðvikudagur, 4. júlí 2007
sunnudagur, 1. júlí 2007
Exhausted birthday girl
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